The next section shared here is about the need for a clear head, and using strategy on multiple fronts when taking on the admissions process.
”CREATING SPARKS: the need for method
COLLEGE CAN BE approached in two ways:
• The adult fashion, using a step-by-step strategy to meet the tough challenges of preparation, selection, and admission head-on in an inspired way.
• The adolescent fashion, avoiding the tough challenges with hasty preparation, procrastination, and conforming to what others do.
The college experience, and the many decades of life that follow, are very much determined by the approach to college as it is by college itself. College begins long before students arrive on campus, even before they fill out applications or select schools.
College begins now, while your child is still in high school. The actions and intentions of today create the life your child will lead in the years to come. As a parent, you’ve spent years of steady dedication and sacrifice to give your child a rewarding life.
We realize that time is limited but you can still play the pivotal role of helping your student grasp the magnitude of this moment and the importance of approaching college with a method.
The need for method: college selection
Most high school students, without guidance, will take an adolescent approach to college. they’ll choose by what matters to them in the moment, the thrill of football games or amazing parties or the prestige of a magazine ranking, not realizing that there are far more profound elements that must come into play. As a result, many students select schools without thinking through what they want out of college and where college will take them—a choice which is in many ways a blind leap that lands them in the frustration and regret of dropping out, transferring, and being disappointed at school, all at the cost of lost years and tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The Montesano Method makes sure that doesn’t happen.
Through a series of sure-footed steps, Brand U guides students through a process of self-discovery, working organically from each student’s unique talents and interests. through experience with the Brand U method, students build a fire of vision that helps students see where they want college to take them. As a result, when the time for choosing comes, students can pinpoint the undergraduate experience best suited for them.
the need for method: gaining admission
Students have a million things on their minds. Every day brings a constant flux of expectations from parents, friends, peers, coaches, and teachers, just to name a few. With so much to worry about, college preparation can often seem like just another chore.
Out of a sense of duty, students might peruse some websites and attend the required test-prep classes, but ultimately, the applications get filled out with fingers crossed. With admissions becoming more and more competitive by the year, this approach is like a roll of the dice.
Admission comes. Or it doesn’t. Either way, this is a passive, disempowered approach, and we believe a child’s future is far too valuable to leave things to chance.
Therefore, Brand U builds off of each student’s inner fire and sense of purpose to forge an identity that is conveyed to admissions boards through the Brand, a time-tested tool that can increase a student’s chance of admission by as much 92 percent over the national average.
Twice as many schools, twice as many options, all because of a little front-loaded effort.
the need for method: performance in college
An astounding number of college students don’t graduate in four years: over 40%!
Without the support system of home, college can be a time of regression from high school successes to a time of wandering and grasping at external expectations of success for many young people. Many students leave school disappointed with their experience, and approach the “real world” feeling unprepared, with deep anxiety about what they are supposed to “do with their lives.”
These unpleasant realities can be curtailed with a method that makes sure that the transformation into adulthood begins long before the weight of college graduation sets in.
Brand U offers parents and students a fun and rewarding collaboration that will help students maximize their college experience and enter the real world with poise and momentum.
We begin this collaboration by exploring what your hopes and intentions are for the journey ahead. Take the time to express to your hopes for your child, and listen closely to what your child envisions, observing ways you can lend support.”
That should give you plenty to think about. Next time, an exercise and ”Think like an admissions officer.” Thank you for tuning in!