Peter Finds Ambition in Architecture
Peter found College Match during the summer of his sophomore year in Berkeley, CA. His parents were quite anxious about his lack of focus at school, and he seemed personally listless, only wanting to draw and design models in his yard. After an exchange of ideas, College Match helped Peter to see that there might be ways to incorporate his creativity in the service of others.
Peter’s father happened to know of an NGO that built homes in Guatemala, and with the right guidance and support from College Match and his family, Peter spent the following summer on a work visa in Guatemala, learning how to design and build homes.
This amazing experience gave Peter the ambition to learn more about architecture. Working with College Match he structured his junior year so he could how to create blueprints for houses. The next summer, he was able to implement his designs to build homes for needy Guatemalans.
Peter discovered deep satisfaction and personal confidence, and College Match supported him to apply and win entrance into Washington University’s premier architectural program, where he has continued his passion for housing in impoverished communities, collaborating with some of the best minds in architecture.
Peter’s Montesano Method Profile:
Sparks: Love of Art, Creative, Inspired
Fire: Artistry as Service
Vision: Build Creations that Change Lives
Brand: Architect