Let’s face it, there are literal boatloads of college admissions essays being read, all at the same crunchtime every year. Many are from stellar kids but they may not have been given the structure to develop a transformative experience, let alone even getting encouragement to include such in their essay. So here’s a leg up:
Goal: To help your child create transformative growth experiences.
1. Discussion—Collaborate with your child to brainstorm unique
experiences that will build upon your child’s unique talents, interests, and ambitions (come up with two or three favorites).
• Summer university bridge programs
• Unique employment
• Academic competitions and scholarships
• Research projects
• International experience
• Publishing
• Portfolio development
2. Research—Once your child has a few favorite options, work together to research options via mentors, online searches, and word of mouth. The idea is to find experiences that build naturally from your child’s strongest interests and talents so that the experience will be a springboard for further growth. (Advice: If your child can’t envision wanting to build on the experience, keep looking.)
3. Planning — Encourage imagination and have fun. Help your child create a plan for making the experience dynamic and exciting.