This post will start out by discussing Two Approaches to College – The Typical Approach and then in the subsequent post we’ll discuss the BRAND U approach.
For most students, the ”typical” college approach consists of the next 4 steps or parts, here’s a graphic to help visualize this and then each part will be discussed in brief immediately below:

Part I:
Too few students find and embrace their core interests and talents, and as a result, end up choosing extracurriculars by conformity, to please peers, parents, or coaches.
Part II:
Students pursue activities and clubs out of a sense of duty, because they have to. Since these e orts feel tedious, students waste valuable time avoiding activities they don’t enjoy instead of pursuing what they love doing. Consequently, many students get to the college selection process with no real sense of what their strongest skills and passions are.
Part III:
College selection feels overwhelming. As a result, parents and students look to superficials like magazine rankings, sports games, and party reputation, and make hasty choices that lead to poor college matches. Poor college matches lead to financial waste and personal frustration as students drop out, transfer, or fail to use their education to its fullest.
Part IV:
Applications get filled out without a strategy. Students send in their applications, hoping for the best, not realizing that their applications are just one among thousands. When applications don’t stand out, students get rejected, miss out on scholarship aid, and su er a feeling of disappointment, all of which is completely avoidable with the right strategy… ”
This ”typical” approach most students take has much to be desired and that’s putting it mildly. Is this what you’ve been doing? There is still time to turn that around!
In our next blog post we’ll discuss the BRAND U approach which will contrast how much more strategic, focused and RESULTS-ORIENTED it is compared to the ”typical” approach we just discussed.
Stay tuned and thanks for reading!
-College Match